Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dave's Recovery

This photo was taken the day after his surgery. The doctor removed Dave's lymph nodes where the cancer was located. This is the last part of Dave's cancer treatments. With the grace of God, he should make a full recovery and be back to work by April. Thank you to everyone who has supported our family during this crisis. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family.
This photo was taken on Dave's 47th birthday. He was done with Chemo and was almost done with his radiation treatments at this point. His weight was down to about 160 lbs when this was taken. He barely made it through the treatments without going on a feeding tube.

The photo taken below is of Dave when we found out that he had Squamous Cell Carcinoma. As you look at his right side of the neck (his left), you can see the abnormal distention of his skin. That lump only took a couple of weeks to get that big and you could see it grow by the day.