Sunday, January 14, 2007

Snowboarding With Friends

Madd Dogg Mike looking for some big air action.

Mike found some air.

A perfect landing.

Mike's friend Blaze... Cool name!

Tim's Baptism

After much thought and consideration, Tim decided that he would like to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many friends and neighbors came to witness his baptism including our good friends the Johnsons. Big Mike Johnson gave the Talk on Baptism and Tim's best friend gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. Tim's missionary, Elder Fagg, had the honor of baptising Tim. It was a very moving and spiritual journey. We were very touched by how many friends came out to support and witness his baptism. On Sunday, Tim was confirmed into the church and ordained as a priest.

Dave and I are all blubbery after Tim has been Baptised. Pictures were not allowed during the ceremony.

Family photo right before Tim takes the big plunge.

Mike is babysitting Abbey. He is really good with kids. I told him that I hope he has a dozen that act just like him.

Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas and thank you family for all the wonderful cards and gifts everyone sent. I have really enjoyed all the time off my job has allowed me to spend with my family. The Christmas Season for me, has always been a time to really be thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. I'm looking forward to a new and adventurous year!

Tim is bound to get a kiss with his homemade Missletoe hat.

Tim is wearing the hat his good friend Joanna sent him from Oklahoma.

The boys are showing off thier Christmas loot.

Snowmobiling Again!

Beautiful view of Monte Cristo. This is where Dave and I like to play.

Dave and friends stopping to take a breather. Believe it or not, snowmobiling is a work out!

Tim and friend Devry are thinking about going up the hill pictured behind them.

Snowball 2006

Tim and his friend Christa are getting ready to go have some fun at his last Snowball dance. Traditionally, couples are expected to dress in matching pajamas.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dad and Son Trip

Dave and Chris are enjoying the crisp outdoors and each others company. Check out the trees behind them.

Chris is enjoying the views on his first snowmobile trip with his dad.

Dave taking a break from teaching Chris the fine art of snowmobiling.